Uruguay isn't trendy-it's timeless and we are talking not just about the culture but the duck hunting in Uruguay.
Los Gauchos has two lodges with a focus on the Uruguay duck hunting. And may we say - Fortin Lodge and Rio Branco (THE Los Gauchos Uruguay Duck Hunting Club) will knock your socks off.
Bookings have been strong, but don't worry for those duck hunters enjoying the last bit of North American duck hunting season, Uruguay still has some availability for the 2010 Uruguay duck hunting season.
Come one - yes, Los Gauchos welcomes single shooters, or come all (up to 8 hunters) and Los Gauchos will take you to the best duck hunting in Uruguay.
The Rio Branco or Uruguay Duck Hunting Club is located in the northeast part of Uruguay almost to the Brazilian border. On a private, large rice farm this comfortable lodge is set for the true duck hunter. Don't worry included: warm water, running water, double occupancy rooms, private bathrooms, large living room with satellite tv, and distance to the duck blind that again will knock your socks off! Five to 15 minutes to the duck blind and waders not needed. Oh, let us add as most do NOT - Los Gauchos includes 12 ga guns and all tips to their daily rate.
The Fortin Lodge is also becoming a fast and furious popular Los Gauchos Uruguay duck hunting destination. This lodge is located near the town of Chuy, again the border of Brazil. On and near rice fields and farms, the duck hunting is outstanding and the bonus of Perdiz hunting is available at Fortin.
Los Gauchos is duck hunting and prepping for the Uruguay Duck Hunting Season. After experiencing Uruguay duck hunting, Louisiana duck hunting will seem average.
Contact Los Gauchos today or view the Uruguay Duck Hunting Lodges and call us - Los Gauchos Uruguay Duck Hunting - (800) 420-8707 or shoot us an email --don't miss! info@losgauchos.com