Hmmmm--who is Los Gauchos cheering for? The Longhorns.
Now, as they begin the game, let me discuss some great NEWS about hunting in Uruguay and Argentina. ARGENTINA ---heard of it? Maybe tasted some of the wine from Argentina or read about Buenos Aires and the great steakhouses. Well, Los Gauchos Outfitters started the hunting business in Argentina and we are back, and back better than ever in Argentina.
Dove hunting - Cordoba - yes, these 2 words go together. Now just add Los Gauchos and you have a Cordoba dove hunting trip. Los Gauchos has about 5 lodges located near Cordoba and luxury is the description and high volume doves is the hunting.
Check out some of the sites and lodges:
http://www.argentinabirdhunt.net/macarena/ Macarena Lodge
http://www.argentinabirdhunting.us/argentina/ Posto del Norte Lodge
These are just SOME of the lodges that Los Gauchos offers Argentina dove hunting. But, wait Los Gauchos is associated with duck hunting in Uruguay and yes, we do offer outstanding duck hunting in Argentina.
http://www.birdhuntinginargentina.us/rosybill-lodge/ RosyBill Lodge
So take a look at the lodges, read about the Argentina bird hunting and then contact us to talk about the game or the plans for your Argentina hunting trip.
THANKS --and talk to you soon....info@losgauchos.com or (800) 420-8707