The title will hopefully catch some readers attention. Probably not those that look to Los Gauchos for their hunting and fishing resources and trip plans, but with the news and blogs and media outpouring this week Los Gauchos Outfitters is keeping up with the trends and current news stories.
First, the fireworks. Many will be celebrating the 4th of July with fireworks, music, barbecues and family and friends. For those 16 or so wingshooters and duck hunters who are staying warm and experiencing some outstanding hunting in Uruguay, you may also get to share in the festivities with fireworks and barbecues.
Argentina and Uruguay are famous for celebrating any and all holidays with fireworks. The barbecues are also famous in South America and you will not see Oscar Meyer but fresh, premium beef and lamb and home grown vegetables cooked over an open fire or parilla.
Breaking hearts - this topic was a top media topic and associated with Argentina how could we miss using it? Really, the only way to make this a good trendy piece of news is to report that the newly engaged Jonas brother is planning his honeymoon in Uruguay with Los Gauchos at one of our many Uruguay hunting lodges.....stay tuned.
Have a great holiday weekend! From all your fans at Los Gauchos Outfitters