Los Gauchos Outfitters is ready for the 2010 hunting season and Uruguay is the place.
Guess what Los Gauchos Outfitters has done? LOWERED our prices! Yes, you read that right. While prices seem to be rising and financial stories bleak, Los Gauchos Outfitters likes to be positive and do things out of the "ordinary" but to benefit YOU the hunter.
Remember, Los Gauchos are travelers, hunters, and customers too! So, take a look at the new home page of Los Gauchos Outfitters www.losgauchos.com and check out the new LOWER prices for Uruguay Duck Hunting, Uruguay Dove Hunting and Cordoba Dove Hunting.
Contact Los Gauchos Outfitters today or just do some searching on the web...you can't get very far without seeing our destinations and seeing where we put a lot of time and work....providing the BEST duck hunting, dove hunting, and travel to Uruguay and/or Argentina.
See you in the duck blind or in the dove fields.