Los Gauchos Outfitters continues to have the privilege of sharing the Uruguay duck hunting and Uruguay dove hunting with fathers and sons (and we do continue to see more daughters joining their dads in Uruguay for shooting sports...). What better way to promote and talk about the importance and the value of sharing the shooting sports and fishing sports with your dad or with your son and / or daughter.
Los Gauchos Outfitters had a few weeks with grandfathers, fathers, sons, son-in-laws all sharing the duck hunting lodge and creating memories of duck hunting that will last a lifetime. Our newest location in Colonia, Uruguay had the honor of hosting a young wingshooter who got to experience the Uruguay dove hunting with his dad for his 10th birthday.
Dads have such an important role and hunters and anglers get to see the spirit and role of a dad early on. From learning the skills and perfecting your shooting and fishing skills to learning the importance of safety and respect for the outdoors, your dad is the mentor most hunters and anglers remember. And while dads can be tough, the tough love is the best love. Dads are so important - the role of a man and the honor and respect for the outdoors that dads provide is something Los Gauchos Outfitters appreciates.
And finally to close a major accomplishment of GT Criddle (1939-2008), a terrific dad who had numerous major accomplishments from sports to military to flying to family. But, one of his most important accomplishments "...raising great children that never let me down...".
And his accomplishment continues to be seen at Los Gauchos Outfitters with an owner who strives to work hard and provide the best service and example for all.
Los Gauchos Outfitters would like to take this day to thank George T. Criddle for instilling the example and words of "you can" into the owner, George W. Criddle, who sets a good example for all of us who share the honor of working and seeing his courage, hard work, and "CAN" attitude everyday.