Colonia, Uruguay is the oldest city in Uruguay and a quaint town with original cobblestone paved streets and shops that are full of handmade leather goods. Colonia is easy to get to by a large fast ferry that takes only 50 minutes from Buenos Aires. The hunting is phenomenal in Colonia. You will not see a lot about the awesome bird hunting in Colonia. Most sites and outfitters highlight the Uruguay duck hunting and dove hunting in the northwest part of Uruguay as well as the northeast part of Uruguay.
Colonia is located just across from Buenos Aires and about 2 hours north of Montevideo. The dove hunting is available year round and is high volume. Thousands of doves fill the sky and the roosts are concentrated in Colonia. Colonia also offers Uruguay Perdiz hunting and duck hunting. Uruguay Perdiz hunting and Uruguay duck hunting is available May to August 1st and in combination with the high volume dove hunting, provides a fabulous mixed bag hunting trip in Uruguay. To get complete details and pictures of the accommodations about dove hunting in Uruguay and specifically Colonia, Uruguay visit: www.dovehuntinginuruguay.net